Once in a while, a truly dedicated person appears, and an organization saves energy, time, and money. Such a volunteer is John Castiglia, Master Electrician, who has wired all seven of the Habitat for Humanity houses constructed or renovated in Silver Creek. Without John, family partners would be paying over $7,500 to $12,500 more for their house. Added to that, Habitat would be scrambling to find volunteers capable of completing the job, or companies willing to do the work at a much-reduced rate.
John started with North County Habitat in 2007 when the first Habitat house was renovated in Silver Creek. He works at the houses when he has available time. As a much-in-demand electrician, his volunteering often occurs instead of working at a paying job that he was offered. He has trained a few volunteers to do some of the time-consuming, less demanding tasks, such as pulling wires or attaching wires to outlets. He spends countless hours creating materials lists, and then installing everything from service boxes to ceiling fan outlets. It seems that he is constantly working on the tasks associated with providing electricity to all the rooms and services in a house. And then he is done, and the house has the use of interior and exterior lights, a refrigerator, laundry machines, and many outlets for their electric products! The family says, “thank you”, and we say BRAVO to a man whose heart is so big that he returns to do another house.
In early spring 2024, construction will begin on a house at 9 Genet Street, Dunkirk, and another house at 40 North Erie Street, Mayville. CAHfH is constantly seeking skilled or unskilled volunteers to do all kinds of jobs, including construction, community development and family support. If you are interested in helping qualified working families find affordable houses, please contact us at 716-863-4475. Construction skills not needed but welcomed when available.